High School graduation.
College graduation. (If applicable.)
Birth of children.
Etcetera, etcetera, so forth, and so on.
This past weekend, I encountered one such change in my own life, and in Lovely Wife's life too I guess.
I did a careful, rough draft of our income taxes for the calendar year 2006.
For the first time in our lives, and certainly the first time in our 22 year marriage, we will have to PAY federal income tax to the IRS.
Oh, the humanity!!
The kids grow up, and one by one start dropping off the list of dependents for tax purposes. Regardless of whether they still live with you, if they've reached a certain age and/or are no longer in school...
Poof! No more yearly tax refund.
There are basically two trains of thought on federal income taxes, one, like us, would rather be sure to pay a little more than we need to so that at the end of the tax year we will get money back instead of being hit with a nasty unexpected bill.
The other frame of mind on the subject, was how my Father In Law always thought of taxes. He HATED the very idea that the IRS had even one non-interest-drawing dollar of his in their posession. He would always make sure he had to pay every year, and I remember him going to the post office at 11pm on April 14th every year to mail his taxes. I kid you not. The post office would be open and have personnel on hand to stamp the envelopes to the IRS as being mailed on April 14th. He was determined to hold his own money, and to wait until the very last moment to send what he owed to the IRS. I mean that literally; he would take his tax form and check to the post office at 11pm on April 14th every year.
Maybe that's why I suck with money, but my attitude was always one in which I would rather overpay, because the IRS scares the snot out of me. Probably just exactly what they want me to feel like.
So, it's a sad, sad time in the Masters's houshold.
Today, there shall be weeping and knashing of teeth. And dying visions of spiffy things we could have bought with a hefty tax refund.
I need a tissue.
This is a weak post so I'll throw in a couple of photos to fluff this chicken up.
500 Horses
Tora! Tora! Tora!
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