Keeping up with world events and news is not a recipe for happiness.
But yesterday I got a small reminder that my sense of humor still functions.
I was about to turn north on to the death trap that is Interstate Highway 95, and I was behind a pickup truck with the following lone bumper sticker:
Women Love Me and
Fish Fear Me
I know I looked like a dummy sitting there laughing while driving along, but that snapped me out of a foul mood.
Well, I thought it was funny.
Several years ago I saw a man in his truck with a bumper sticker that said: Fish Tremble At The Sound Of My Name and I laughed at that one too, because I mentally pictured fish trembling.
But for my life lately, I've been more like the unfunny bumper sticker I saw one time that said: Losing My Faith In Humanity, One Person At A Time. That one is sorta funny, but mostly sad and depressing, but it pretty much is how I feel after keeping up with current news and world events.
Maybe I need to stop caring about so much that I cannot possibly change,and just learn to live in a personal life bubble as small as I can possibly get by with.
I'll probably be much happier that way.
Here's a purdy picture.
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