When I was a kid, I always wondered what it meant when at the beginning of the Buggs Bunny / Road Runner Hour, the announcer would say "It's time for that Oscar winning rabbit!"
To my ten year old mind, I was all, "What's an Oscar? What's so great about winning one?"
Hey, I never said I was the sharpest pencil in the cup.
But later I learned that Buggs Bunny had won an Academy Award, the "Oscar", and that in some circles this is considered a good thing.
The Oscars have long since lost their luster by handing them out willy-nilly to knuckleheads like Sean Penn, Al Gore, and Michael Moore, not on the merits of their work, but on their tireless efforts to promote ultra-liberal values through their work.
But that's a dead horse to beat on a future post.
In the blog world, some folks can just flat-out write, and are funny, and most important of all, speak elloquently AND plainly enough for even a Louisiana public school product like myself to understand and appreciate.
One of the blogs I regularly visit is Scribbit: Motherhood in Alaska - How Could I Make This Stuff Up?.
The other day, she included me in a list of bloggers to whom she was bestowing the "Blogger Reflection Award".
Thank you Scribbit. I accept this award, with all associated rights, honors, and benefits (which, I understand, amounts to simply bragging rights).
I tend not to pass on these things, but I'm going to break with my own tradition and nominate Norma at Collecting My Thoughts.
She is as plain-spoken as a person can be, with much better grammar than I can muster.
I think her personal quote under the title of her blog pretty much says what you can expect:
Opinionated, strict, safe for children, honest and well researched blog with some slang, statistics and humor for pacing, and occasional prejudices and snipes tossed in for balance.Give her a visit, and give her some comment love too. Oh yeah, she cranks out the posts on no less than ELEVEN (yes, ELEVEN) blogs that she authors or participates in, so there's almost always a new post or two when you visit.
She covers the political things that I care about way before and way better than I can, and is one of the main reasons I don't write many political posts any more.
Go visit Collecting My Thoughts right now. And no lurking. Comment, dag-nab-it!
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