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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #39

13 Questions and Answers About Me

I've been pathetic, and having trouble coming up with ideas for Thursday Thirteen. Thanks to all who chimed in last week and gave me ideas.

What I'm going to go with for a few weeks is to break up one of those "100 Questions" memes. Take the lazy man's way out. That's me.

Here's 13, and my answers.

1. Have you ever been arrested? Nope. I admit that I have done a couple of things in my wild youth that could have resulted in my arrest, had I been caught. Not proud of that. No. No details forthcoming.

2. Have you ever been on t.v.? No. One of my main goals in life is to be invisible. Kind of contradictory with me being as big as I am, but I guarantee you that I'm one of the quietest moving big guys you'll ever see, or not see as the case may be.

3. Do you like to travel? Yes. I haven't been to a lot of places, any money we might use to travel always seemed to be needed for new car brakes, doctor's visits, etc. I have been to Hawaii once, and Yellowstone. Those are the two biggies in my travelling life.

4. Do you usually eat dinner as a family? Not much any more. Number One Daughter lives a block away from us with her Aunt Lydia, and although Number Two Daughter is still at home, our schedules usually conspire for us to NOT eat together. Another problem is that Lovely Wife would make a good European and likes to eat late, and I like to eat a good while before I go to bed. So I'd rather make a sandwich early than to wait for a cooked meal later, and closer to my bed time.

5. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes. It's painful, even to me though.
--5a. Do you sing in the car? Yeah, a lot. I can turn the CD up loud enough to drown myself out.

6. Do you wear a watch most days? Yes. I feel completely naked without a watch. I'll drive all the way back home at lunch if I've forgotten my watch. Plus, I'm one of those people that can never remember what day and/or what day of the week it is. My Casio watch has an analog face, but also a small digital one that shows month/date/day of week. Love it.

7. Do you brush your teeth EVERY night before bed? No, not EVERY night. I'm lazy like that sometimes.

8. Have you ever had a professional massage? No. My work sometimes pays for us to have the ability to go and have one during times they're crushing us with workload, but I never go. I don't like touching and being touched by people I don't know.

9. Do you ever say things you don't mean just to be nice? Absolutely.

10. Have you ever dumped someone over something small (Like Seinfeld, man hands, close talker, etc.)? Me? Mr. I-Long-To-Be-Invisible? Are you kidding? I've only seriously dated two people in my life, and I've been married to the second of those two for 22 years.

11. Have you ever bought anything off of an infomercial? Yes. A memory enhancing program. Although it didn't make me the genius I hoped it would, I still use many of the memory techniques from that program to this day, 15 years later.

12. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? No. I got married before Al Gore invented the internet.

13. Have you ever driven across America? No. But I have a fantasy of riding a bicycle across America. Seriously. I have a whole shelf of bicycle touring books where people have written out their stories of those kinds of tours. I'm even a card-carrying member of the Adventure Cycling Association, just to help keep hope alive.

I would love to take a long driving trip with Lovely Wife too.

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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