13, When Was The Last Time You...
…needed to move a set of Logic Analyzer/Pattern Generator configuration files to a device that only accepts 3.5in floppy disks? (No way to send these large files over a network connection.)
…had trouble finding a "controlled" copy of said files, because your Configuration Management guy who controls these computer files just happens to be in class yesterday.
…out of 6 or 7 computers you had access to, you finally found one, ONE, with a copy of WINZIP on it?
…zipped up (compressed) a bunch of files, and divided them to be able to fit on 1.44MB, 3.5in floppy disks?
…but could only find one useable 1.44MB, 3.5in floppy disk?
…so you loaded up the first file on the 1.44MB, 3.5in floppy disk and transferred it to the Logic Analyzer/Pattern Generator?
…then deleted the first file and repeated the process with the other pieces of .zip file, over and over?
…then found the zip utility on the Logic Analyzer/Pattern Generator (thank God for miracles!) and made the four files back into one .zip file?
…then unzipped the reconstituted .zip file into it's constituent files, safely ensconced in a folder you carefully created for them on the Logic Analyzer/Pattern Generator?
…layed hands on the Logic Analyzer/Pattern Generator, prayed, and loaded one of the configuration files to see if it would accept the file after manipulating it like described above?
…explosively let out the breath you didn't realize you've been holding for the past little while because the file actually successfully configured the Logic Analyzer/Pattern Generator?
…tried each of the other formerly compressed and divided files, one by one, to ensure that they successfully configure the Logic Analyzer/Pattern Generator as well?
…wondered how a cutting edge engineering outfit could get in such a fix, dependent at times on 1993 technology?
So much for me wishing for the "good old days." I had enough of the good old days, yesterday.
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