This foist one, was taken yesterday morning in our next door neighbor's front yard. These ibis were pigging out on something; bugs I reckon. (What is the plural of ibis anyway, ibises?, ibii?) I love these birds, and love it when gangs of them meander through our yards as they move through the neighborhood looking for food.
The rest of these were taken last weekend at a Melbourne Florida park called Kiwanis Park at Geiger Point. It is on the "mainland" at the foot of the Melbourne Causeway over to "the beachside" barrier island. I have spent many of my lunch periods at this park, it's about 10 minutes from where I work, enjoying the sunny days, open water, dolphins, and dive-bombing pelicans. In the hurricanes of 2004, this park got pretty torn up and was closed for almost two years. It recently opened and we went for a walk around it to check it out.
This first one at Kiwanis Park was of the road leading into the park. You can see Hwy 192 as it ramps up to become the causeway over the Indian River Lagoon, our section of the Intracostal Waterway. That big droopy looking pine tree is an Australian Pine. Bunches of them were planted in Florida decades ago. I personally love them, they have a sleepy, droopy look about them, but when they die or are destroyed in hurricanes, they are not replanted. They replace them with native Florida plants, which is ok I guess, but I really love these pines.
This is looking out over the park with my back toward the causeway, so that had me pointing south here. It's a small park as most are down here, but there are bunches of them.
This is looking west, back toward mainland Florida, with a bit of the new bridge that replaced a section of the sidewalk that washed away in the hurricanes.
This isn't a great picture, but this building amazes me. I'm looking southward at a newly built set of condominiums. They built these right out on the end of a point out into the Indian River Lagoon. The units go for about $1.5Million each. I hope the folks who buy these stay on "ready" to leave for the next hurricane. It' just a matter of time.
These bridges are the underside of the Melbourne Causeway. I thought the reflections of the light in the water were pretty.
I was just diggin' the symmetry of the two bridges of the Melbourne Causeway here. Looking east toward the Atlantic Ocean (which is about three miles from where I'm standing).
Have a wonderful Sunday!
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