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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Path To 9/11 (TV Movie)

Warning: One of my rare political rants.

All the hullabaloo over The Path To 9/11 TV movie has really caught me by surprise.

As a person who grew up with network news, and what is now called the main stream media, I just flat-out got used to the way they did business. Hollywood too.

As a political conservative, I have always listened to and read the news pretty carefully. 1. Because I'm not the sharpest pencil in the cup, and 2. I understand that, in the real world, that most reporters and newscasters are personally on the Democratic Party/left team, and that it is impossible for them to be truly objective.

But again, over the years, I've gotten used to liberal causes/beliefs to be handled one way by the media, and conservative causes/beliefs to be handled a different way. Not much I could ever do about that, you know? So I learned long ago to read as much as I could, from as many sources as I could, and then make up my own mind.

Over the past few years with liberal products such as Fahrenheit 911, Syriana, and Good Night And Good Luck, just being pretty much taken at face value by the media and the public with little or no taking into question the obvious lies and distortions within (that have been detailed ad nauseam on the net, and I won't do that here), I just go on about my life, doing the best I can.

I don't get too wrapped around the axle about these things, because, again, what can I do? Not much.

All I can do is vote, and I DO vote in every primary, special, and general election that my health permits me to vote in.

But I see the tired old story of McCarthy done over and over and over again, and what an evil, evil man he was in the eyes of so many, and I truly began to believe that politically liberal people truly hate censorship.

At least I used to think that politically liberal Americans hated censorship.

That is, until ABC wanted to air The Path To 9/11. Ok. Any human with only two brain cells left in their head to rub together knows that there has never, in the history of Hollywood movies, or in TV land, been a completely accurate story told.

Never. Ever. Not one.

So, why in the world has the Democratic Party, it's officials, and it's heroes, all come out wanting to squash this movie? Screams FOR censorship? From liberals?! Say it ain't so.

I can even understand asking for equal time on the subject, but to actively seek the movie to never be seen?

I mean, I can understand if they disagree with sentiments expressed in it, but hey, aren't liberals the last bastion of hope in this country against censorship?

I guess not. I saw Harry Reid, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Madeline Albright (sp?) all come out and call for ABC to pull this program.

Am I the only one that sees this as the very pinnacle of hypocrisy? Politically liberal Americans claim to hate censorship in any form, yet THE most powerful people in the Democratic Party have unanimously come out in favor of, and have brought all the power they can bring to bear, in an effort to have this TV movie NOT to be shown.

To quote Mugatu (Will Ferrell) from Zoolander: "Am I the only one who sees this?! I feel like I've been taking crazy pills!"

The other crazy thing is, that these bastions of all that is true (so they would have us think), actually don't see themselves as being hypocritical.

But if a Louisiana public school educated guy like me can see how incredibly hypocritical the Democratic Party leaders in this country are being right now over this TV movie, I feel there are a bunch of other people out there who see their hypocrisy as well.

Politically liberal friends and coworkers that I have known and do know, over the years, have always pulled out the Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker card, when a discussion isn't going their way. They think that, because I'm a politically conservative Christian, that the very mention of their names should get me to shut up. My liberal friends still, after all these years, pull those names out of the hat as textbook hypocrites. It's like when they call someone fat, at that moment, you KNOW they are running on empty as far as ideas are concerned.

But now the very best and brightest and most powerful in the American Democratic Party have shown themselves to be hypocrites, and that they in fact, care nothing about freedom of speech.

Apparrently, the only freedom acceptable to them is when all such speech toes the increasingly liberal Democratic Party line.

While I am bummed about some of the things the Republicans have done in the past 12 years, the Democratic Party and it's leaders have just proved to the entire world just how morally bankrupt they really are.

And to think they once again proved their hypocrisy over a stupid TV movie. Huh.

It seems that, after decades of having the main stream media on it's side, always, that liberals are in a panic over a TV movie that shows Democrats in a negative light. It's the kind of overblown anger you see when you know they thought they had the media in the bag, on their side, but in this one instance the media turned and bit them in the rear.

I must say, I'm pretty surprised myself that a major TV network let this movie even get made, much less shown.

And the Democrat's reaction lets the world know that the things said in this movie probably hit a little too close to the truth for their liking.

All of this comes on the heels of recent news reports of how Al Gore, traveling around promoting An Inconvenient Truth, does NOTHING in his personal life that he asks average Americans to do to help the environment. He is a walking, talking, hypocrite of the highest order. Do as I say, not as I do, says Al.

And now his cohorts, the powers of the Democratic Party, have joined him by publicly displaying their own hypocrisy.

To quote the great philosopher Gomer Pyle, "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!"

That is all. Carry on.

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