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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Much Ado About Nothing

I read a lot of news. I watch some news on TV. I listen to the radio. In short, I keep up, pretty much, on what's happening in the U.S. and in the World at large.

I would love to write about a lot of this stuff here, but in the end, when I try, I condense complicated topics into four paragraphs that would result in cries that I oversimplified complex topics.

The consequence of all of this is that I don't write much about what is going on in the U.S. and the World.

I really would like to, but I don't have anything original to say.


California Having Energy Crisis And Rolling Blackouts. My Sympathy Level? 1 out of 10. The knuckleheads out there have let the inmates run the asylum too long. Consequence? They haven't built new power plants or refineries or allowed oil drilling in known oil rich areas for decades. They brought it all on themselves. And the only thing they have left to do is to just suck it up! That one out of ten is for the poor folks who try to build new refineries, power plants, and drill for oil but are drowned out by the tree huggers.

Israel Pounds The Snot Out Of Lebanon (And Anyone Else Who Kidnaps Their Soldiers). My Sympathy Level? 1 out of 10. When Napoleon was near the end of his life and in exile, a reporter asked him what the most amazing thing he had ever seen was. Napoleon immediately answered, "The Jews!" See, even a few hundred years ago they were known to have been repeatedly attacked with the only aim being to exterminate all Jews from the face of the earth. Modern Israel has few friends, and none in the mid-East. I don't blame them one bit for hitting their enemies hard, these enemies do not want any Jews alive anywhere on earth. That one out of ten is for the innocent who invariably die in ANY war. To quote Sean Connery as James Malone in The Untouchables: "You wanna know how you do it? Here's how, they pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That's the Chicago way, and that's how you get Capone!" Israel has to be that way just to survive.

The Whole Hanging Chad Thing In Florida In The 2000 U.S. Presidential Election My Sympathy Level? 0 out of 10. My thoughts about the whole thing were simply that this proved that some people are just too stupid to vote.

See what I'm talkin' about? I over simplify. (Unless you ask me a specific question, after which I usually launch into an explanation that eventually requires drawings and stuff and can cause comas and strokes in my victim the listener. If you ask, I tend to over explain, but on my own, I tend to over simplify.)

Yes, I could lay everything out for you, point by exacting point, but that would bore both of us, now wouldn't it? (Head nods slowly, emphatically) Yes it would.

My job as an engineer requires that I break problems down and find the solution and then enact that solution. That is easy with circuit cards and FPGAs, but not so easy with people.

But it is impossible for me not to break down the world's problems as I see them, but realistically I know that others won't act with the plain old common sense necessary to fix problems.

Otherwise, Californians would build power plants. Hey, I am even a thorough believer in building new nuclear power plants. We should be drilling for oil in the places we know there is oil.

But over time, the restrictions on doing all of these things has caused NONE of them to be done, built, or drilled.

These are just a few examples.

So that's why you don't get a lot of news commentary here, though I do touch on it from time to time. I just don't have the patience to write it out. It would be a drag for both of us, and nobody would do anything about it anyway.

I'll just keep up the constant flow of useless drivel.

My blog won't change the world, but a smile or laugh might change your day, right?

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