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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The New York Al Qaeda Times…

Treason masquerading as free speech?

I know that I'm behind the curve on this one but it is still just sticking in my craw, so Ima gonna talk about it a bit.

Just a bit.

Some person or some people have seen fit to nullify a document they signed, wherein they swore not to reveal classified information to people not qualified to hear, see, or read such information. This person willfully sided with Al Qaeda against the interests of the United States.

Trust me, I KNOW this. You have to sit through briefings and sign papers, etc., etc., etc. There are many people in this country who daily work with sensitive information and you have to do some silly things to ensure you are not being too careless with this information and documents. But everyone knows, accepts, and deals with all the hoops you have to jump through because, at the end of the day, you love America, and you would never, ever, ever, risk being the knucklehead who accidentally puts sensitive information at risk of disclosure.

This person is criminal at least, and possibly treasonous.

The owners, editors, and reporters of The New York Al Qaeda Times have decided that they too, have willfully sided with Al Qaeda against the interests of the United States.

They should be all be investigated, arrested, and punished to the full extent of the law. And if they cannot be punished for some reason, I hereby volunteer my services to "accidentally" be left in a room alone with these people for five minutes.

The owners and editors of The New York Al Qaeda Times have decided that somehow they themselves are the arbiters of whether or not classified information gets printed for the world to see. Who elected them? What security minded committee in the congress or senate gave them this authority?


The owners, editors, and reporters of The New York Al Qaeda Times have proven yet again that they hate America.

The owners, editors, and reporters of The New York Al Qaeda Times have proven yet again that they WANT America to lose to Al Qaeda in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

The owners, editors, and reporters of The New York Al Qaeda Times have once again made me sick at my stomach.

It really bothers me that so many Americans hate America and will willingly and publicly side with our enemies.

I'm glad I'm not a citizen of New York. Their local paper is a worldwide embarrassment and laughing stock.

I'm from Louisiana, and I thought that state had the market cornered on goofy politics, politicians, and general corruption, but WOW, this is ridiculous.

They pretty much ignore last week's story about WMDs that have been found in Iraq, but they turn around and release classified information because they hate George Bush.

And the guy that has revealed this info to The New York Al Qaeda Times, he has actually broken his sworn word to do this. We're talking classified U.S. government secrets that he signed his name that he would protect when he got the clearance here folks. That ain't robbing the Domino's guy of twenty bucks, that's possible treason. It blows my mind. This guy I would LOVE to meet.

And although I am a Bush supporter, I'm not a lock-step, blindly following, rubber-stamping follower. I do not agree with everything they've done and are doing. But we are at war, and I would think that Americans, especially ones working with classified and sensitive information that can help our enemies should be extra careful, NOT EXTRA STUPID. AT LEAST ERR TO THE AMERICAN SIDE, NOT AL QAEDA'S.

Come on people, at the very least you should work within the laws to oust the Republicans from office if you don't like them. That's what elections are for!

I hope, hope, hope, those involved are investigated and punished.

That is all. Carry on.

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