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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Michael Crichton on Global Warming

A great quote by the M.D./Author
Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had.

Does this quote remind you of someone?

Maybe Al Gore? He's big on claiming scientific "consensus" in defending the man-made religion of global warming.

Here's more of Michael Crichton's quote on the anthropogenic global warming hoax. (anthropogenic = man-made):
I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had.

Let's be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.

There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period.

Just thought I'd share that.

If you want to read the whole speech, just Google: "Aliens Cause Global Warming" A lecture by Michael Crichton

Monday, December 7, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Summit: Gathering of Hypocrites

The headline of the following article pretty much says it all for me:
Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges
Copenhagen is preparing for the climate change summit that will produce as much carbon dioxide as a town the size of Middlesbrough.

These self-important jerks don't even realize how pathetic they seem to the average person.

They say we must change the way we live and then proceed to live in such an extravagant way as to make us look like the greenest of the green in the way we live.

Scumbags and fakes on the make for more power and money.

These people don't care for the planet, they cynically live the high-life and expect us normal folk to follow what they say.

I remember when Mt. Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in the early 1990's.

The reports, describing the immensity of the eruption, said that this one eruption alone injected more greenhouse gasses into the earth's atmosphere than man had in totality since the dawn of the industrial revolution.

And that was just one of many volcanoes that have blasted in my lifetime of 47 years.

Then the Al Gore's of the world expect me to believe that man is causing global warming?

I went to Louisiana public schools, but even I'm not THAT stupid.

Al Gore and the man-caused global warming believers and promoters are simply liars out to make money and increase their power in this world.

The many massive volcanic eruptions, and the sun itself have done enough to make man's efforts look tiny in comparison.

Don't get me wrong, the wanton dumping of chemicals in rivers and other harmful pollution shouldn't happen, but that man is causing any global warming?


If these men and women at this conference really and truly believed their own lies, they'd live much different lives than the ridiculous extravagance of carbon production that they actually live in.

Liars and hypocrites, all.

Something's definitely rotten in Denmark.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

How Engineer's Think

Someone at work has a sign on his office door:

Dear Santa,

Define good.

Pretty much sums up the mentality of engineers.

We always want more data.
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